Service level agreement
Standard Service Level Agreement – Support (SLA).
Mikäli haluat raportoida viasta, tai jos sinulla on muita kysymyksiä palveluistamme, voit ottaa yhteyttä tukipalveluumme support tai käyttää Agrippa Improvementsin ohjelmistoa.
Critical Error
- Response: 8h
Report by:
Errors that cause the service to stop, that data is lost or that other functions, which based on an objective assessment are critical to the Customer, have not been delivered or do not work as agreed.
Serious Error
- Response: 24h
Report by:
- Agrippa Improvements
Errors that lead to functions, which from an objective assessment are important to the Customer, do not work as described in the agreement and which is time and resource consuming to circumvent.
Less Serious Error
- Response: 7 days
Report by:
- Agrippa Improvements
Errors that lead to individual functions not working as agreed, but which the Customer can relatively easily bypass.
Change Request
The functionality is outside the contract’s specifications standard routines for change input are implemented.